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“How You Can Build Monster Shoulders With This Shoulder Workout”

There’s nothing like a pair of wide, hulking shoulders that shows off just how powerful you are. In terms of other body parts, I think a pair of shoulders really shows everyone else around you, how strong your body really is, without having to do a thing.

The shoulders are often associated with power and broad shoulders are often associated with “manliness”. I’m not too sure what all of this means but what I do know is that when I see someone with hard, massive, sculpted shoulders, it screams discipline.

I see someone who is serious about their physiques. Quiet often, when I see someone with impressive shoulders that look as if they can move trucks, they often can. In other words, huge shoulders are generally very, very strong.

Strong shoulders are going to be big shoulders...

Before we begin, I want to stress the importance of properly warming up your shoulder cuffs and supporting tissues. Because mass shoulder workouts use heavy weights and compound exercises, it places a tremendous amounts of stress on the shoulder joints and rotator cuffs. Trust me, a rotator cuff injury is no fun and if you do get one, you’ll be out from training for at least two months. Before you attempt this workout, I want you to perform these rotator cuff exercise here.

rotator cuff exercises

2 sets of 12 each

Warm Up - Standing Side Dumbbell Lateral

The first exercise we will do for our mass shoulder workout routine is the standing side dumbbell lateral for a warm up.

• 2 sets of 12 repetitions

Use only light weight and keep the exercise smooth. Don’t swing the weight up or do the exercise in a fast past. The main purpose of this exercise is to warm up the muscle and get some activity going on in the connective tissues. This is very, very important and one that can help stave off shoulder injuries. Try resting about 25 seconds in between each set. Remember, this is a warm up so you shouldn’t be breaking too much of a sweat.

Try stretching your shoulders and triceps in between sets

Exercise #1 - Seated Front Shoulder Press

Our second exercise in this mass shoulder workout is the seated front shoulder press, often called the military press.

This exercise is a must in any mass shoulder workout. This will be your main compound movement for your shoulders and will be the staple of your shoulder mass workout. You want to pyramid the weight up from sets one to four.

one rep max calculator

• Set one: 1 x 12 repetitions;
• Set two: 1 x 8 repetitions;

For sets one and two, keep the weight moderate. For your first set, you should be using about 50% of your max. So, if your max seated front barbell press is 150 pounds, you should be using 75 pounds. Remember, this is a warm up to get used to the exercise and get your muscles working for the exercise.

For your second set, you should be using about 60% of your max. If you’re able to do 150 pounds for your max, you should be using 90 to 95 pounds. You should be able to do the prescribed repetitions in easy fashion.

Rest about 60 seconds in between each set.

Work sets:

• Set three: 1 x 6 repetitions;
• Set four: 1 x 6 repetitions

For set three, you should be at about 75% of your max. If you’re max is 150 pounds, you should be using about 115 pounds for 6 repetitions. If you can’t get 6 repetitions, lighten the weight and get 6 unassisted repetitions.

For the last set, you should be able to barely get 6 repetitions with 80% to 85% of your max. So, if your max is 150 pounds, you should be just barely getting 6 repetitions with 125 pounds or so. Remember, if you can only get about 4 repetitions, you need to lighten the load so that you get 6 repetitions.

Remember to stretch your shoulder in between each set.

Once you are able to get 6 repetitions unassisted, try adding about 10 pounds to the barbell for the next workout. Remember, always use a spotter for this exercise.

Exercise #2 - Seated Dumbbell Press

Our second exercise in this mass shoulder workout is the seated dumbbell press.

Some weight trainers will argue that this exercise is almost the same exercise as the seated shoulder press but I disagree - Up to a point. Dumbbells add a whole new angle to your training and feel totally different than a barbell. By using dumbbells, you ensure that each muscle is trained with the same weight and improve your overall “weight balance”, which will help improve your barbell press strength.

Warm up sets:

• Set one: 1 x 8 repetitions;
• Set two: 1 x 8 repetitions

I recommend you use a weight that you can get 8 comfortable repetitions. For the first set, try using about 60% of your max. For your second set, try using about 70% of your max. For example, if your max is 60 pound dumbbells, you should be using about 35 pounds for your first set, and 40 pounds for your second set.

Rest for about 60 seconds in between each set.

Work set:

• Set three: 1 x 6 to 8 repetitions

For this set, you should get at least 6 repetitions but no more than 8. You should be using about 80% of you max. If you can press 60 pound dumbbells for one rep, you should be using about 45 pound dumbbells.

Drop set:

• Set one: 1 x 8 repetitions;
• Set two: 1 x 10 repetitions;
• Set three: 1 x 12 repetitions

I am throwing in one set of drop sets for added intensity. Your shoulders will be on fire once you complete this set and pumped to the max. Here’s what you’re going to do. After you’ve completed your third set for this exercise (seated dumbbell press), rest for about one minute and get three pairs of dumbbells.

The first pair of dumbbells should be 70% of your max. So if you’re max dumbbell press is 60 pounds, you should have the 40 pounders. Your second pair of dumbbells should be about 55% of your max. If you’re max is 60 pounds, you should have the 30 pounders out as well. For your third pair of dumbbells, you should be using 40% of your max. If your max is 60 pounds, than you should have the 25 pounders out.

Grab the dumbbells and put them around your seated bench. For your first set, do a set of 8 reps (using your heavy dumbbell). Drop the dumbbells, and get the second pair of dumbbells (second heaviest), and do a set of 10 repetitions. Drop the dumbbells and immediately grab the light dumbbells and do a set of 12 repetitions. For a challenge, try going until you can’t do another rep.

Exercise #3 - Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral

Our third exercise for this mass shoulder workout routine is the bent over dumbbell lateral. Here is the set and rep scheme.

• 3 sets of 12 repetitions

What you want to do here is give your rear deltoids some work. However, you don’t have to go super heavy in this exercise because in order for this exercise to work, you need perfect technique. Take a look at the image below. Use a pair of dumbbells that will allow you to do 12 repetitions in perfect form.

Exercise #4 - Front Plate Raises Super Set With Dumbbell Shrugs

I’ve saved the best for last :) This fantastic combination is a perfect fit for this mass shoulder workout routine.

• 3 sets of 12 reps for front plate raises; super set
• 3 sets of 12 for dumbbell shrugs

I’ve used this combination in the past and it will pump your shoulders and traps up to monster size. The first thing you want to do is get a 25 pound plate and set it beside where you want to do your shrugs. You will want to grab a pair of dumbbells that will allow you to comfortably do 12 reps. If you know your rep ranges, you should be ok. However, if you have no clue what your rep range is, grab a pair of 20 pound dumbbells and try using those. If you can easily get 12 reps with little effort, you will want to grab the 30 pounders. Remember, you want to pick a weight that you have a hard time completing 12 repetitions.

First, pick up the 25 pound plate and hold it by it’s sides so it’s resting on your thighs. While keeping your arms straight, raise the plate in front of you until it’s just about parallel to your chin. Slowly lower the plate back to it’s starting position. Do that 12 more times.

As soon as you’ve put the plate back down, pick up a pair of dumbbells and do 12 sets of shrugs.

This is one super set. Your going to do this super set 2 more times with the same weight. Rest about 40 seconds in between each set.


Weight lifting exercise position

1. Standing upright, place your toes on the apparatus platform. Ensure that you are on the balls of your feet at the edge of the apparatus platform.
2. Slowly drop your heels as far as they can go.
3. Place your hands on the shoulder pads.


1. Rise up as high as possible on the balls of your toes without excessive knee bending.
2. Slowly lower your heels as far as possible. Do not bounce at the bottom of the movement. Repeat.
3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.


A great mass building weight lifting exercise for the triceps

Weight lifting exercise position

1. Lie face up on a flat bench. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and keep your back flat against the bench.
2. Grasp a bar with a narrow grip so that your hands are about 2" to 3" (5 to 9 cm) apart.
3. Arms should be fully extended and palms should be facing forward.


1. Keeping your elbows close to your body, slowly lower the weight slowly to your chest. Lightly touch your chest and push upward. Do not bounce the weight. Repeat the movement.
2. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.


Weight lifting exercise position
рез Support your body at straight arm’s length

2 Keep your back straight, torso straight, knees flexed, and feet behind you.

1. Lower your body to a point where you feel a comfortable stretch.
2। Slowly push your torso upward back to the starting position.
3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.