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This weight lifting exercise is a pure muscle building exercise. Have you seen those people who.s back muscles seem to hang out their sides? Well, this is exercise that is responsible for those thick slabs of beef! This one.s a must if you want to build a thick powerful back.

Exercise position

1। This exercise can be done while on a block or bench। Grab a barbell with your hands placed about 24" (60cm) apart and remove the bar from the racks.

2. Place your feet at shoulder width and keep them flat on the ground.
3। Slowly bend forward at the hips keeping your back flat.

4। Slightly bend your knees and keep your head as high as possible। Remember to keep your torso parallel to the floor and keep your lower back flat and your butt thrust outward।


1. In a controlled fashion, pull the bar upwards until you touch the lower part of your rib cage.
2. Lower the weight until your arms are straight. Repeat the movement without letting the bar rest on the bench.
3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.


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