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When it comes to build a nice muscular back, you need to remember a few points. The first thing you need to keep in mind is that the back is a very large area in comparison to the rest of the body and needs different exercises to target different muscle groups.
The second thing you need to remember is that the back needs to be trained hard, next to legs. So, if you want to build a large, muscular back, your going to have to stick to the core exercises and train hard and heavy.
The only way to build an impressive back is to hit it hard and heavy. If you’re prepared to do the work and put in the time, you can build an impressive back fitted with slabs of beef.
Here's a sample routine you may want to use to start you off:
Bent Over Barbell Rows:
This exercise is a pure mass builder and no back routine is complete without it. If done properly, this exercise can add slabs of beef to your back.
1 set of 20 - Warm up
1 set of 12 - Use 50% of your max
1 set 10 - Use 60% to 65% of your max
1 set of 8 - Use 65% to 70% of your max
1 set of 6 to 8 - Use 75% to 80% of your max
Rest about a minute and a half between each set. Form is very important on this exercise so don't increase weight for the sake of increasing the weight. Make sure you perform the repetitions correctly.
Chin ups:
3 to 4 sets of 12
Keep the repetitions smooth and controlled. Rest for 50 seconds in between each set.
If you have a hard time with chin ups, try doing front lat machine pull downs. Remember, your goal is to be able to do chin ups so as you get stronger with the lat machine pull downs, try and work your way up to chin ups.
One Arm Dumbell Rows:
3 sets of 8 to 12

Rest 50 seconds in between each set.
Some people like to do shrugs with there shoulder routine but I prefer to do it with my back routine since it's technically a back muscle.
4 sets of 8 repetitions.
Alright, this should give you a solid starting point for building a large back. Remember to progressively add weight with every second workout or so and your back should grow. However, if you can't perform the exercise with proper form, lighten the load.
The back will only grow if it is stimulated properly. If you use sloppy form, your back won't respond, no matter how much weight you use so make sure you use proper form.


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